The US government has "every expectation" that Israel will accept a ceasefire proposal that would begin with a six-week ...
Israel battled and bombarded Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Sunday as mediators called on both sides to agree to a truce and ...
Israeli strikes have killed at least nine Palestinians across Gaza, and wounded several others in the war-torn enclave on ...
STORY: Residents said Israeli planes and tanks pounded areas across the Gaza Strip on Sunday.Over two dozen Palestinians were ...
According to the IDF, Israeli troops launched an attack to dismantle operating combat units they claim are holed up in the ...
CAIRO/JERUSALEM>> Israeli planes and tanks pounded areas across the Gaza Strip, residents said, as White House national ...
Don't miss out on the headlines from World. Followed categories will be added to My News. Since Biden spoke at the White ...
An aide to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed on Sunday that Israel had accepted a framework deal for winding down ...
Israeli forces have killed at least 50 Palestinians in aerial and ground bombardments across the Gaza Strip and battled in ...
Seventy-five Palestinians were martyred and two hundred and eighty four injured in unabated and relentless Israeli strikes ...
Labor support for Palestine at UCLA, Davis and Santa Cruz is the fruit of years of organizing. Others may join soon.