C-Handle Coffee Mug Literature Novelty Reading Reader Friends Lover
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C-Handle Coffee Mug Literature Novelty Reading Reader Friends Lover

(23% Rabatt)
$13.03 nach Cashback
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Infos zu diesem Element

  • Creative Library Bookshelf Mug looks very cool, add unique charm to your home and office.
  • This mug has an easy-to-grip C-shaped handle and a capacity of 301-400ml to meet your daily use.
  • A funny bookworm gift for an avid reader. Makes a great birthday gift or gag gift.
  • Made of quality ceramic materials, durable and easy to clean.
  • Perfect for tea/coffee/juice/milk/water cup mug.</p>


<p><b>Description:</b></p><p>Creative Library Bookshelf Mug looks very cool, add unique charm to your home and office.<br>This mug has an easy-to-grip C-shaped handle and a capacity of 301-400ml to meet your daily use.<br>A funny bookworm gift for an avid reader. Makes a great birthday gift or gag gift.<br>Made of quality ceramic materials, durable and easy to clean.<br>Perfect for tea/coffee/juice/milk/water cup mug.</p><p><b>Specification:</b></p><p>Material: Ceramics</p><p><b>Size Chart:</b></p><p>Diameter: 9.5cm/3.74inch<br>Height: 8cm/3.15inch</p><p><b>Package Includes:</b></p><p>1x Ceramic Coffee Mug</p><p><b>Note:</b></p><p>1. Please allow slightly error due to manual measurement.<br>2. Due to the difference between different monitors, the picture may not reflect the actual color of the item.<br>3. Wish you a wonderful on-line shopping!</p></br>Customer satisfaction is our primary concern. If the product is somehow cracked or broken during shipping, please feel free to contact us. We will try our best to give you a satisfactory solution.
  • Gewicht: 0.377 KG
  • Höhe: 5.91 IN
  • Länge: 5.91 IN
  • Gewicht: 5.91 IN